Thanksgiving Dessert Ideas That Make Your Guests Truly Thankful!

Lattice-Topped Apple Pie

Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the festive season. The weather is nippy, nights are long and we spend most of our time tucked away in the warmth of our home.

Why should desserts be left out from your thanksgiving menu? Here are some great desserts you can whip up that will make your turkey blush!

The Old-School Lattice-Topped Apple Pie

 This humble apple pie is an all-time American classic and a perfect end to a retro style Thanksgiving dinner.

When made well, it can steal your guests’ attention away from dinner! The best in the confectionary business recommend an assortment of apples be used to make the pie. A mixture of tart and sweet apples results in the best pie.

Pumpkin Ginger Cupcakes

Pumpkin Ginger Cupcakes

When everyone is too full after the meal they indulged in, a light dessert like this is a great idea. As you watch your guests retire to your lounge, you can surprise them with this final treat! Pumpkin is a staple for fall while ginger works well to warm up any dish. A creamy frosting and caramel sauce finish off the dish to utmost perfection.

Quince Tarte Tatin

Californian quinces are the best on the market. This French style recipe can easily be made ahead of time, leaving you with one less job to do.

You can also invest in premade tart shells to help you in your preparations. Quince is similar to apple in many ways. They retain their firmness better than apples once cooked.

Buttermilk cake topped with Riesling-Poached Pears

Another Californian classic! Use the best quality Riesling you can afford when making the poached pears. The buttermilk cake will just melt in your mouth! Together the flavors really complement each other which your guests will surely testify to.

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Salted Caramel Cheesecake

The amalgamation of two crowd favorites, what could go wrong? When preparing the cheesecake, you could opt for a baked cheesecake or a refrigerator one. Make sure there isn’t an overbearing vanilla flavor in the cheesecake as that will take away from the salted caramel sauce.

Your salted caramel sauce will be a hit; make sure you make ample! Add sea salt to the sauce to give it a deeper flavor.

Vanilla Ice Cream Bread Pudding coupled with a Whiskey Caramel

Grandma’s famous bread and butter pudding is being revamped this year. Vanilla ice cream isn’t served with the dish; it’s mixed into the bread and butter and baked. To give this dessert a modern twist, a whiskey infused caramel pairs well!

Divine Specialties can tend to any of your online baking supply needs. Our wholesale baking supplies are the best on the market and are offered at affordable prices.

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